Sunday, January 11, 2015

Here we go...

I realize that I have left this blog severely unattended and I plan to increase my activity on here as a New Years resolution!

To make up for the time lost, I am going to share my favorite lesson plan for the 2014-2015 school year (thus far).

The topic was HONESTY and this lesson could be used for any grade level (K-5).

Here is what I did:

Materials: two glass jars (one labeled Louie, the other Truth Juice), bleach, food coloring, a spoon, story about Louie

To start the lesson, I ask students to tell me how they feel when they tell a lie?  We talk about how we feel yucky inside.  Then I explain that I will SHOW them how lying makes us feel with a story.  I tell them that the jar labeled Louie is a student (this jar is filled with water).

Then I tell them a story about Louie and how he told lies throughout his day.  He lies to his friends, bus driver, teacher, etc.  Each time Louie lies in my story I add a drop of food coloring (alternating colors so that the water turns a murky color).

At the end of my story I talk about how Louie feels.  Then I ask the kiddos if they have any ideas for what Louie can do to feel better.  "TELL THE TRUTH" is the typical solution they give.  We go back through the story and have them pretend to be Louie and tell the truth about each wrong doing.  Each time they tell the truth for Louie I add a small amount of bleach to the Louie Jar (Truth Juice).  Slowly the water changes from murky to clear and the students are amazed.

Finally, I have students draw how it feels to be dishonest and how it feels to tell the truth.

For the formal lesson plan, adaptions, and Louie's story- please visit my TPT store!

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